Monday, February 1, 2010

Photos by Hoi Kishu

The Peacock Boat
March 20 and 21 at 7pm
March 21 and 22 at 3pm
The piece draws from the symbols of the peacock as a powerful creature able to overcome obstacles and the boat as the means to hope. These images are metaphors for lives of the geisha, who once inhabited the walls as well as us the audience.

The Peacock Boat includes live shamisen, costumes reconstructed from old kimonos and dresses and original choreography.

The performance will take place in the traditional theater house (tatami mat seating)
Gojo Rokuen Kaburenjo

Admission ¥ 2,500 (¥ 2, 800 door) ¥ 2,000 students (¥ 2,300 door)
090 9708 9768 (English)